The Family & Youth Institute collaboration - common misconceptions surrounding mental health and historical contributions of Muslims to the field of psychology.
Saturday April 19, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CDT
Grand Ballroom
Success is only attained when we collectively detach ourselves from the dunya and attach ourselves to the pleasure of Allah swt. How can we exemplify the balance between deen and dunya and true believers.
Saturday April 19, 2025 4:35pm - 5:20pm CDT
Grand Ballroom
Justice is not only reserved for the oppressed around the world but it begins in our very own homes and persoanal interactions. How to balance our responsibilities with justice specifically as Muslim women and the wide array of responsibilities this identity requires.
Saturday April 19, 2025 7:10pm - 8:10pm CDT
Grand Ballroom
Being unapologetically muslim no matter what the world may throw our way. How can we hold true to our faith and never compromise in our deen no matter the circumstances at hand. Learning from the unwavering faith of our predecessors and how we can empower ourselves through their loves.
Sunday April 20, 2025 11:20am - 12:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom