The Essence of Islam: Sacrifice and Submission - How to navigate the fundamental concept in Islam of submitting our will to The Will of Allah swt. How can we stay true to our morals and values in a society that indulges in self-gratification and pleasure. Being empowered through the sacrifices made by our predecessors for the sake of the Deen and Islamic Movement. Grounded in Humility - How can we keep our intentions pure with the work that we do within YM and beyond. How to avoid arrogance especially in positions of leaderhsip and learn what is the etiquitte of taking on positions of leadership. Endlessly striving... - We should neevr be staisfied or content with where we are when it comes to the deen, we should always be striving for better in "Ilm (knoweldge) and "Aml (action). YM in not the end but the means to a greater goal: a lifetime of serving the Deen and Islamic Movement.
Activism Workshop - As Muslim Americans living unequivocally privileged lives, what is our moral responsibility to our oppressed brothers and sisters around the world?
Friday April 18, 2025 5:45pm - 6:30pm CDT
Grand Ballroom
The Family & Youth Institute collaboration - common misconceptions surrounding mental health and historical contributions of Muslims to the field of psychology.
Saturday April 19, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CDT
Grand Ballroom
As YM leadership what is the appropriate way to address the different struggles that our members may be facing, including LGBTQ struggles, from the diverse backgrounds and cultures in our communities. How can we be inclusive and express true empathy for our sisters.
Saturday April 19, 2025 12:00pm - 1:25pm CDT
Get ready to engage! This interactive workshop empowers YM leaders to identify and understand their core personal values, which will guide our decision making and behavior in our personal and professional lives.
Saturday April 19, 2025 12:00pm - 1:25pm CDT
Grand Ballroom
The etiquette of carryong ourselves with dignity and preserving our honor as Muslim women. How can we attain true confidence in our Muslim identity especially in the society that we live in.
Saturday April 19, 2025 1:35pm - 3:00pm CDT
Pre- Marriage Workshop, Strictly 18+ and for those seriously interested in the process of marriage. Through self-awareness exercises and professional guidance, participants learn to idetify complementary traits in potential partners and understadn the complexities of the marriage process.
Saturday April 19, 2025 1:35pm - 3:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom
Success is only attained when we collectively detach ourselves from the dunya and attach ourselves to the pleasure of Allah swt. How can we exemplify the balance between deen and dunya and true believers.
Saturday April 19, 2025 4:35pm - 5:20pm CDT
Grand Ballroom
Justice is not only reserved for the oppressed around the world but it begins in our very own homes and persoanal interactions. How to balance our responsibilities with justice specifically as Muslim women and the wide array of responsibilities this identity requires.
Saturday April 19, 2025 7:10pm - 8:10pm CDT
Grand Ballroom